Power to Women
in Peace Processes
Operation 1325
Operation 1325 is an umbrella organisation initiated by several Swedish women’s and peace organisations. Through advocacy and training, in Sweden and internationally, the organisations objective is to increase women’s influence at all levels of peace processes and in conflict resolution. Operation 1325 advocates, informs, educates and creates platforms for debate and dialogue to influence decision makers, civil society and the general public with the aim of implementing UN’s Security Council’s Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
The struggle of the women’s movement in Okinawa against US military bases and the sexual violence the military presence has contributed to;
Nao Sakurada gives us perspective on the history Nao Sakurada, intern att Operation 1325 Autumn 2024, has written following text about her hometown, Okinawa in Japan, where peace and security issues directly impact women's daily lives. With a focus on the women’s...
Lena Sundh is excited for the Autumn
Summer has come to an end and Operation 1325 is preparing for the fall. Starting August 6th, Malin Pihlström is operating as our new director at Operation 1325. She has previously been engaged with Operation 1325, first as an intern and then as a trainee in our Board...
Thank you and good bye
This is my last blog for Operation 1325. Due to the worsening economic situation, it is time for me to say goodbye after almost a year and a half as director. Going forward, Operation 1325 will be run by an operational board with limited support from an employee for...
Analysis of the reform agenda for Swedish foreign aid
In December 2023, the Government presented the new reform agenda for Swedish foreign aid. With the key words ‘freedom, empowerment and sustainable growth’, a new direction for Swedish aid was introduced. The new direction marks a clear change from aid that has been...
From promises of Gender Equality to Gender Apartheid – Deteriorating situation for Women’s Rights in Afghanistan
After the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan in August 2021, a deteriorating situation of women and girls in the country was reported only within a couple of months. This despite initial Taliban promises to protect women’s rights. Since then, the situation has...
EBA seminar on democratic backsliding – summary
The Expert Group on Aid Analysis (EBA) organised an interesting seminar: ‘Political Voices in Times of Democratic backsliding’, where three researchers presented their dissertations linked to the decline of democracy. Adea Gafuri, Postdoctoral Researcher at the...
Operation1325 at OSCE conference in Vienna
As a member of the Swedish OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) network, Operation 1325 represented the organisation at a two-day conference in Vienna. The Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting was organised by the OSCE Office for Democratic...
The concrete consequences of the Swedish foreign aid politics
In recent months, there has been plentiful reports written on the rapid and abrupt changes in Swedish aid policy and the feared consequences. Many small but also large political decisions show a clear new political direction, and the overall picture is frightening for...
The participation of women in climate governance: A catalyst for climate action and sustainable peace
The world has already failed to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. As the Emissions Gap Report 2023 shows, with current climate mitigation efforts, global warming is projected to reach 3°C by the end of this century, well...
An analysis of Sweden’s new national action plan for women, peace and security
Sweden’s new national action plan for the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution Women, Peace and Security, 2024-2028 – an analysis by civil society. In 2006, Sweden was among the first countries in the world to adopt a national action plan (NAP)...
What’s the deal with the development aid to Palestine?
March has been a roller coaster ride for us and our partners in Palestine. The month began with a continuation of the complete silence from the government in response to Sida's second in-depth investigation into Swedish and Palestinian partners' work and position on...
What is happening to the Swedish Civil Society?
February has been a time for changes for Swedish aid, changes that civil society must relate to. First came the new Civil Society Strategy where an increase in the own contribution was announced. That is, the portion that organisations themselves must contribute to...
Ukraine’s National Action Plan leaves more to be desired – Civil society must continue to be a strong voice for gender equality
Nearly two years have passed since 24 February 2022 when Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Research shows that gender inequality is both a cause and a consequence of war. Traditional gender roles are reinforced in times of conflict, with conscription...
UN Security Council Resolution 1325 urges all Member States to ensure increased representation of women at all decision-making levels in national, regional and international institutions and mechanisms for the prevention, management, and resolution of conflict.
UN Security Counsil Resolution 1325 was a milestone as the first resolution on women, peace and security. Resolution 1325 is followed by several Resolutions in the same field, including Resolution 1820 which condemns several types of sexual violence in conflicts.
Did you know…?
of all mediators were female from 1992 to 2018 (Council on Foreign Relations accessed on 23 October 2019).
of all women have experienced violence by their partner (WHO 2018)