Under hösten 2005 fattade FN:s generalförsamling och säkerhetsråd beslut om att upprätta en ny fredsbyggande kommission inom ramen för FN:s reformering. Nyligen presenterade Friedrich Ebert Stiftung en rapport med förslag till hur målen i FN:s resolution 1325 om kvinnor, fred och säkerhet kan guida kommissionens arbete för jämställdhet.
”In 2005, UN General Assembly (UNGA) and the UN Security Council (UNSC) adopted resolutions for the creation of a new Peacebuildning Commission. The new body will serve as a subsidiary organ of the General Assembly and will ”marshal resources at the disposal of the international community to advise and propose integrated strategies for post-conflict recovery, focusing attention on reconstruction, institutionbuildning, and sustainable development in countries emerging from conflict”. However, the Peacebuildning Commission is in its formative stages and provides an opportunity for gender concerns to be considered and integrated into the institution and its activities from design stage. This paper provides suggestions for how the ideals and goals of UN Resolution 1325 can serve as a guide for engendering the Peacebuildning Commission”.
Ur rapportens förord.