Marina Gallego

SoME Gavobevis 2023

30 november 2016

Marina Gallego is the National Coordinator of the feminist and antimilitarist organization Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres, an organization that worked for the past 20 to enable peace negotiations in Colombia.  She coordinated the “Colombian Women’s Truth and Memory Commission” and brought women’s testimonies from the conflict onto the public agenda, feeding the peace dialogues.

Together with Angela Cerón and Olga Sanchez, among others, Marina Gallego has advocated for the creation of the Gender Sub commission within the peace process and has given feedback on the commission’s work. The commission ensured that a gender perspective was integrated into the peace process.

In October 2016, Gallego participated in the Mediation Conference that Operation 1325 organized in cooperation with the Swedish Institute in Alexandria.

Read more about the Mediation Lab, an intiative to promote women mediators, here. .

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