The Media Toolkit “Creating Spaces for Women’s Rights” is launched!

SoME Gavobevis 2023

18 November 2015

Today, Operation 1325 together with our partner organizations in iraqi Kurdistan, Lebanon and Palestine have the honour to present our Media Toolkit! It is based on our joint expiriences and lessons learned from years of working to implement women’s rights in the Middleast and Northafrica. The Media Toolkit can be used by all media actors and contains useful strategies for how to promote women, peace and security through good collaboration with civil society organizations. 

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 was adopted in the year 2000. Fifteen years later, women are still struggling to get their human rights recognized. Our goal for the next 15th anniversiry is that this is no longer the reality. We want to see a better world without discrimination and sexual violence against women, a world where men and women have equal opportunities to create their own lives. In order to fulfill this mission, we need to explore and develop new and interactive ways of promoting women’s right to take part in decisions about peace and security.

Therefore, the Media Toolkit offers strategies and creative ways of thinking when reporting, not only in conflict situations or in specific issues but in each and every story. It serves to counteract the current gender imbalance in media, highlight the concept of peace journalism and promote the struggle for sustainable, peaceful, inclusive and gender equal societies. The Media Toolkit can be found attached to this post or under the sub page “publications”. Enjoy the reading and be sure to use it in the future!

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