Intern: Tasks, Experiences, and Challenges

When I applied to Operation 1325, I was clear that I wanted my internship period to involve varied and challenging tasks. I sought to gain knowledge and insights into how civil society works and collaborates, both in Sweden and between countries. I believe it is...

New Intern

Welcome to Dorotea Katthän, our new intern! Why did you want to do your internship at Operation 1325? -I think Operation 1325’s activities are both interesting and highly relevant. I believe doing my internship at a rather small civil rights organisation is a great...

Women Count 2020

Operation 1325 has launched our monitoring report Women Count! This report covers the Swedish government authority’s activities for 2018, which falls under Sweden’s third National Action Plan for Women, Peace and Security, 2016–2020. In 2020, as we reflect on 20 years...

Ok ladies now let’s get in formation

Efter en hel vår av planering har idag vårt senaste projekt Den digitala Fredsagenten äntligen dragit igång. 21 unga tjejer möts idag på Åkerögården utanför Norrtälje för den första dagen på en hela vecka av utbildning inom kvinnors rättigheter. Vår projektledare...