Operation 1325 and Sida Partnership Forum offer training
Have you come in contact with gender issues in your work in conflict- or post conflict areas? Do you need to deepen your understanding of how Resolution 1325 can be used in your work context and get new ideas on how to apply gender theories in practice?
Between Dec 1-3 the Swedish NGO Operation 1325 offers a 2,5-day course – Resolution 1325 in the Field – in collaboration with Sida Partnership Forum. The training is directed to Swedish NGO:s, their international partner organisations, governmental agencies that conduct development cooperation and actors in the private sector. Staff from other European NGOs, academia and IGOs may also apply for the course.
You are invited to apply to a course filled with lectures, cases and discussions in a participatory approach and a film presentation. Among the selected topics human rights law context and applicability of resolution 1325, its´ possibilities and limitations in relationship to government entities and other actors and the challenges and possibilities of work in a multi-cultural environment from a gender perspective.
Among the selected topics are: human rights law context and applicability of resolution 1325, its´ possibilities and limitations in relationship to government entities and other actors and the challenges and possibilities of work in a multi-cultural environment from a gender perspective.