Operation 1325


Inequality is a major problem in Turkey, especially physical and psychological violence against women is common. There is a great need to increase knowledge about women’s rights and equality. However, the women’s movement in the country is large and is constantly working to improve the situation of women in the country.

Operation 1325 has been working in Turkey for many years. Together with our partner organizations, we have empowered young women and helped to increase their knowledge of women’s rights, equality and peacebuilding.


In recent years, we have had several projects in Turkey. The latest one, “Journalism on women peace and security”, ended in 2023. The aim of the project was to create an independent media platform and increase knowledge about the role of the media in reporting and scrutinizing the work on the women, peace and security agenda.



Journalism on women peace and security was a media project that worked to raise awareness of the women, peace and security agenda in Turkey. The aim was to build on an independent and trustworthy media platform for these issues in an increasingly censored Turkish society. By producing a variety of media material on women, peace and security, the project increased knowledge in the field and enabled more women to express themselves on new platforms, with a particular focus on Kurdish women.  

Project: Journalism on Women, Peace, and Security (2022-2023)  

Country: Turkey  

Partner organisation: SES Equality and Solidarity Association  

Donor: Swedish Institute  

Project period: May 2022 – January 2023.   

Purpose: Increase women’s political empowerment and raise awareness of the women, peace and security agenda.   

Target group: 40 Turkish and Kurdish women  

How: A section on women, peace and security was developed on the website of the partner organisation SES and in their newsletter. Participants produced material for the section that included national and international news on the women, peace and security agenda from a women’s rights perspective. Stories from Turkish and Kurdish women regarding their struggle for women’s rights were also shared on the platform. Within the project, participants produced news articles, podcasts and video documentaries on peace and security and on the Kurdish situation in Turkey.    

Results: The project contributed to increasing knowledge about women, peace and security, and the Kurdish situation. Marginalised activists and politicians were given a voice and an opportunity to tell their story in the media. Other women were empowered and inspired to make demands and call for change in media. The project had a wider reach than expected.   

  • News articles read by over 10,000 people  
  • Over 1,000 listeners to the project’s podcasts.   
  • Video documentaries watched by over 11,000 people  
  • Several hundred new followers on the social media of the partner organisation SES.   
2020-2021: 1325 WOMEN OF TURKEY

Project: 1325 Women of Turkey

Country: Turkey  

Donor: Swedish Institute  

Partner organisation: SES Equality and Solidarity Association   

Project period: May 2020 – April 2021  

Target group: 20 local women’s rights activists in Turkey 

Purpose: Support women’s participation and perspectives on peace work through training in the use of social media.   

How: Capacity-building training in social media use, material production and advocacy, as well as training on creative material creation on UNSC Resolution1325 and meetings with politicians to hold them accountable for their parties’ work on women, peace and security.   

Results: Women’s message on peace and security has been heard by the public. Increased interest and understanding of UNSC Resolution 1325 among women’s organisations and activists. The partner organisation SES has become stronger and made a bigger impact in its work by creating networks of women interested in the women, peace and security agenda. The project created social media materials on women’s rights in relation to peace and security.  


The Women Participation Through Media project was implemented in Turkey with the aim of increasing the participation and visibility of marginalised groups in Turkish media. Through a training programme and the production of media materials, the project helped to strengthen the capacity of participants to influence and make their voices heard.   

Project: Women Participation Through Media  

Country: Turkey  

Partner organisation: Jinha News Agency, Raul Wallenberg Institute, Women in Foreign Policy, SES Equality and Solidarity Association  

Project period: May 2016 – June 2018  

Donor: Swedish Institute  

Purpose: To increase the participation of women’s and minority groups in Turkish media with the aim that they continue to work for the rights of vulnerable and marginalised groups.   

Target group: Women’s organisations, journalists and others in peace movements or media.   

How: Workshops to increase knowledge about UNSC Resolution 1325 and writing articles from a feminist perspective. A conference with local women media actors to discuss intersexuality in the media. Workshops on how to produce material on women’s rights in the media, as well as on women’s participation in the political, legal and military sectors in Turkey. A media campaign was created where articles, blog posts, tweets, etc. were produced to disseminate the knowledge from the project further. The project also organised meetings with Swedish experts and politicians to spread the knowledge from the project in Sweden.   

Results: The project helped to increase women’s participation in the media (between 17 and 50 people from the target group participated in each activity). It contributed to a more free and independent media in an increasingly censored media climate in Turkey. In addition, it created a higher awareness of human rights, as well as of LGBT+ and minority rights   


Women Count Turkey

2016-2017: MEDIATION LAB

The Mediation Lab was organised in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and Colombia with the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences on women’s peacebuilding from different contexts. The project enabled women peace workers from several countries to meet and work together to strengthen women’s capacity to learn from each other and work for peace.   

Project: Mediation Lab  

Country: Colombia, Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Sweden, Turkey, Yemen  

Partner organisation: Iniciativa de Mujeres Colombianas por la Paz, KÖM Turkey, Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy (PCPD)  

Donor organisation: MUCF, Folke Bernadotte Academy

Project period: 2016 – 2017  

Purpose: A triangular exchange of experiences to highlight innovative, successful mediation processes that have led to increased security and women’s participation. To identify what made these mediation processes successful and how it can be replicated in other areas and conflicts.   

Target group: Women peace actors, civil society organisations, academics and local policy makers from Colombia and the MENA region 

How: The project started with an inventory of mediation experiences and knowledge, through interviews and digital research. The project created a reference group of experts and decision-makers in peacemaking. As part of the project, a central mediation conference was organised for the empowerment of women as peacebrokers. The aim of this conference was to exchange experiences, knowledge and create shared learning. In each participating country, smaller conferences were held where partner organisations shared new insights and disseminated mediation skills in their context. Lessons learnt and tools from the project were disseminated digitally, including through the creation and publication of a report and a handbook on the topic. An advocacy letter was sent to, among others, the UN Security Council and the UN Member States Support Unit.   

Results: Women’s and peace organisations have shared experiences and increased their knowledge of mediation in other contexts to draw lessons for their own peace work. Through the conferences, the publication of a report and a handbook on women, peace and security, knowledge has reached beyond the primary target group. Through contact with decision-makers, participants were able to influence at a higher level.   


Mediation Lab – Women Pacemakers as mediators (eng)

Mediation Lab – Women Pacemakers as mediators (arabic)

Mediation Lab – Women Pacemakers as mediators (español

Mediation Lab –  Women Pacemakers as mediators (türkçe)

Mediation and Influence


Project: The women peace and security agenda in Turkey.

Country: Turkey

Partner organisation: Raoul Wallenberg Institute

Donor: Consulate General in Istanbul, Turkey

Project period: Nov 2014 – Feb 2025

Purpose: To raise awareness of UNSC Resolution 1325 among Turkish politicians, civil society activists and academics to influence how UNSC Resolution 1325 can be implemented in the Turkish context.

Target group: Turkish women peace and security representatives and media actors

How: Through capacity building and networking activities with the target group, culminating in a major conference with activists, policy makers and other stakeholders to launch a panel of experts to implement the women, peace and security agenda in Turkey. This was shared with the public via media reporting.

Results: A workshop with more than 40 participants to discuss UNSC Resolution 1325 and its use in Turkey.

Participants saw great use for UNSC Resolution 1325, hence the Raoul Wallenberg Institute decided to translate Resolution 1325, subsequent resolutions on women, peace and security, and a draft national action plan into Turkish and Kurdish.



I denna rapport presenteras uppgifter om kvinnors situation i Turkiet ur ett kvinno-, freds- och säkerhetsperspektiv, och kvinnoproblemens intersektionalitet lyfts fram. Rapporten ger en kort introduktion till läget i Turkiet, med särskilt fokus på freds- och säkerhetsagendan, och beskriver därefter det rättsliga och politiska ramverket. I rapporten används indikatorer från övervakningsmodellen för Women Count-projektet som utvecklats av Global Network of Women Peacebuilders.

WomenCount Turkey

Operation 1325 & TURKEY

Here’s a video we’ve produced to give those of you who don’t know about Operation 1325 a little insight into who we are and what we do. We are very happy that our heroine Dr. Louise Olsson, Senior Researcher in Women, Peace and Security at the Institute for Peace Research in Oslo, is joining us with her expertise and solid knowledge!

This video has been produced with financial support from Sida through ForumCiv. Neither Sida nor ForumCiv has been involved in the production of this video and is not responsible for the content of the episodes or the opinions expressed.


JINHA - Womens News Agency



Stödmedlemaskap: Fred | Supporting Membership: Peace

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    • Supporting members is open for all individuals sharing the same values as Operation 1325.
    • Supporting members does not have voting right at the general assembly.
    • Supporting members pay a yearly fee of 120 SEK.

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    • Support our work to enhance women’s rights in peace processes.
    • Get access to our updates, newsletters, projects and progress.
    • Receive exclusive invitations to our events, seminars and workshops where you have the opportunity to share your specific experiences.
    • Feel proud, being a part of a strong community fighting for change.

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Operation 1325 operates in partnership with peace and women's organisations from across the globe to make United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, a reality.