Since the very beginning, Operation 1325 has worked through advocacy and training – in Sweden and internationally – with the objective of increasing women’s influence at all levels of peace processes and in conflict resolution. No women, no peace.
Since the very beginning, Operation 1325 has worked through advocacy and training – in Sweden and internationally – with the objective of increasing women’s influence at all levels of peace processes and in conflict resolution. No women, no peace.
As 2020 is a pivotal year for gender equality with the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Conference, the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, and the 5th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2250, Operation 1325 has joined The Beijing+25, Women, Peace and Security – Youth, Peace and Security Action Coalition (The Beijing 25+, WPS-YPS Action Coalition). The coalition consists of several civil society organization that worldwide working on all levels society towards the full and effective implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agendas
MAKT ÅT UNGA KVINNOR – Styrelsetraineeprogrammet 2020 Det här är en möjlighet för dig som på din fritid vill engagera dig för kvinnor, fred och säkerhet med Operation 1325. Under vårt årslånga program kommer du att skapa...
A call for peace in Yemen and women’s meaningful participation In relation to the ongoing Yemeni consultations in Stockholm, Sister’ Arab Forum for Human Rights together with Operation 1325 and the support of UN Women regional office MENA, has held discussions around...
Our partner Amal Basha represents the Sisters' Arab Forum for Human Rights in the Yemeni peace consultation in Geneva. She participates in the Peace Support Committee. There she focuses on the issue of prisoners of war, which is one of three subjects that will be...
As a follow-up to our report on women's inclusion in Turkish society, we will publish information from the report on Facebook and Twitter during the coming weeks.The report is called Women Count Turkey and is written by our partner Zeynep Alemdar, founder of the Women...
The last week of June was an intensive week for Operation 1325. Two of our projects became interlinked in a meeting between Swedish youth and Palestinian university students. The Palestinians participate in our project Promoting...