SoME Gavobevis 2023

15 December 2020

In order to strengthen Sweden’s work with women, peace and security internationally, we, alongside our partner organizations in the MENA region, have produced recommendations. These outline how Sweden could contribute to the implementation of Resolution 1325 in 10 different countries. Now the turn has come to Syria and together with our local partner organization Life Peace Association we present the following situation description and recommendations.

Since the outbreak of armed conflict in Syria in 2011, rape has been used as a weapon of war by both government forces and other armed groups. In addition, women’s participation in Syrian peace talks have been deficient and uneven. Women in Syria have been discriminated against for decades, and while the war has further aggravated the situation for women, post-war reconstruction could potentially strengthen women’s legal rights.

Our Recommendations:

  • Abolish impunity for sexual violence in Syria.
  • Ensure women’s full and meaningful participation in peace and reconstruction work.
  • Strengthen the legal rights of Syrian women.

Read the full report below.


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