Hard and soft security for Rohingyas with Annette Lyth

SoME Gavobevis 2023

18 September 2017

On September 23, Annette Lyth will visit Operation 1325 to talk about the humanitarian crisis for the Rohingyas in Myanmar. Rohingyas is a Muslim minority population who has been subjected for many years to discrimination, violence and persecution within its own country. Every year thousands of Rohingyas are forced to flee by the sea, which is often the beginning of the next tragedy. Annette Lyth will also problematize the labeling of human rights, gender equality and child protection as “soft” security issues.

Annette Lyth is the editor of Mänsklig Säkerhet and an international lawyer. She has a long experience from working within the OSCE and various UN agencies. For several years she led a regional UNDP project on human trafficking in Myanmar and neighboring countries.

Welcome on September 23rd, 11:15 am – 12.15 pm at Operation 1325, Hammarby Allé 93, Stockholm.

The talk will be held in Swedish.

See the Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1921444368113250/?fref=ts

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