GNWP launches Civil Society Monitoring Report

SoME Gavobevis 2023

30 May 2011

UNSCR 1325 was groundbreaking when it was adopted in 2000, but the shortcomings in the implementation of the resolution are substantial. 2010 marked the 10th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 and is an important opportunity to review and reflect on achievements and challenges in making reality of the resolution. It is especially an occasion to demand greater accountability and propose timely and relevant actions that should be taken for full implementation of the resolution, by Member States, the UN, civil society and other stakeholders.

The report Women Count. Security Resolution 1325: Civil Society Monitoring Report is based on a project monitoring UNSCR 1325 at the country level undertaken by Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP).

This project aims to build the capacity of women’s organisations in monitoring policy implementation; develop/identify a global set of indicators and benchmarks for monitoring progress and results of 1325 implementation; and conduct in-country monitoring from the perspectives of women’s groups and civil society.

GNWP members from Afghanistan, Burundi, Canada, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Fiji, Nepal, Netherlands, Philippines, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Uganda participated in the first phase of the in-country and global monitoring of UNSCR 1325, which took place February-September 2010.

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