Albanian activists and elected representatives on women’s rights

SoME Gavobevis 2023

13 September 2017

Welcome to a round-table discussion and mingle!

Albania has a history as a closed and isolated country where women’s economic, political and social rights are restricted. Although Albania today made great progress in the field of gender equality with 50% women in government, many challenges remain. Operation 1325 cooperates with an Albanian women’s organization to increase knowledge, contribute to better protection for women and to increased political participation. In co-operation with UN Women Sweden, we are now inviting a meeting with Albanian activists and elected representatives on women’s rights.

WHEN? Thursday 21st September, 6 pm – 7.30 pm

WHERE? Operation 1325, Hammarby Allé 93, 4 trappor

SIGN UP: Sign up via Facebook:

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