14th anniversary of UNSCR 1325

SoME Gavobevis 2023

31 October 2014

Today, on the 14th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 we take the opportunity to launch a joint statement by 16 of our partner organizations in the Middle East and North Africa. The joint statement calls for urgent efforts to end violence, and for systematic efforts to support inclusive peacebuilding, democracy and women’s rights in the Middle East and North Africa.

The joint statement was agreed upon by civil society organisations and activists from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Egypt and Libya, when they met in Istanbul October 15-17 to discuss the role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and equal participation in the promotion of peace and security.  

The statement calls for: 

*The protection of women from all forms of violence; including sexual harassment, kidnapping and slavery.

* Humanitarian assistance including rehabilitation, housing and reconstruction to be provided in a gender responsive manner.

* The end to impunity for violence against women, and especially to bring perpetrators of sexual violence to justice.

* The mainstreaming of a gender equality perspective within the UN structure and all its missions and bodies.

* The importance of women’s engagement and active participation in conflict resolution, ending occupation, peacebuilding, spreading the culture of human rights and promoting support to the struggle for women’s rights.

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