Amal Khreishe

SoME Gavobevis 2023

30 november 2016

Amal Khreishe is a feminist a human rights defender, activist and a political leader who has held the position as general director of the Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD) since 1995. This is an organization that aims to eliminate all kinds of discrimination against women and girls and to achieve freedom to enjoy human security and a just peace based on International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. The focus of PWWSD is to empower women in the political participation in public sphere as well as in private life. Through this organization, Amal has led many campaigns to promote women’s rights, including the first program in Palestine to support violated women through counselling services, a law amendment and awareness campaigning on ending violence against women. She was also one of the founders of the International Women’s Commission for a Just and Sustainable Palestinian Israeli Peace that was lead by the UN women”UNIFAM”2005-2010.

Amal Khreishe is a member of the steering committee of the Palestinian National Women Coalition to Implement the UNSCR 1325, and she was a member of the drafting team of the National Action Plan for the Implementation of UNSCR1325 on Women Peace and Security in the State of Palestine 2017-1019 that headed by the Ministry of Women Affairs. She is also a gender expert in the EU for the EURO- MED Ministerial Process that have geared by the Euro-Med Feminist Initiative. She has participated in various fora discussing a transition to democracy in the Arab world, advocating a feminist perspective on this topic. Khreishe has experience in training on gender equality, human resources development, advocacy and lobbying.

In October 2016, Amal Khreishe participated in the Mediation Conference that Operation 1325 organized in cooperation with the Swedish Institute in Alexandria. The Mediation Lab is an intiative to promote women mediators, you can read more about it here. 

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